Whitchurch Village Council

Whitchurch Village ‘Have a Field Day 2019’

‘Have a Field Day’ was held at the Village Play Park on Saturday 13th July as part of a nationwide celebration of local green spaces.  It was a dry warm day and it was fantastic to see so many people enjoying themselves, on the bouncy castle, playing games, having their faces painted, having picnics, as well as using the play equipment. 

The races, organised by Matt, from Whitchurch Village Council, were as usual a real favourite and lots of fun was had by the participants, young and old. 

.This year, donations collected on the day of £83.00 will be forwarded to Mind, thank you to all those who donated. 

 WVC would also like to thank Caroline, from the Whitchurch United Reformed Church Knit & Natter group, who laid out a lovely display of knitted and crocheted bunting, flowers etc. which helped make the park look colourful. 

This is an annual event organised by Whitchurch Village Council, with all the facilities completely free of charge to the public…….so do look out for details on the website early in 2020.