Whitchurch in Lights 2024

The Village is looking very festive with this years new motifs and the Christmas trees in the Millennium Garden.

A big thank you to all who have decorated their homes making the village alight with colour and sparkle.

There were many wonderful displays for the judges to choose from and the winners this year are as follows :-

Church Road
Bristol Road/A37

Also thank you to those businesses that have decorated their premises including MG Estate Agents and Bristol Cherished Cars


Following a recent resignation Whitchurch Village Council has a Councillor vacancy.

On average, the Village Council meets 12 times a year at Whitchurch Village Community Centre. Councillors volunteer their time to work on behalf on their local community.

If you interested in community matters and want to help make a difference, we would like to hear from you.

The applicant’s name must appear on the current register of the Voters List or the applicant should during the whole of the twelve months preceding the relevant date have resided in or within three miles of the parish or the applicant’s only place of work during the whole of the twelve months preceding the relevant date is in the parish. The applicant must not be debarred from standing as a Councillor.

Support and induction training will be provided.

Any person interested in filling this vacancy should apply to the Clerk for an application and eligibility form. If you would like to find out more, or express your interest – please contact the Clerk – Sue Dyer:- Email: info@whitchurchvillagecouncil.co.uk Tel: 01275 839873 Or in writing to Whitchurch Village Council, Community Centre Office, Bristol Road, Whitchurch, Bristol, BS14 0PT 11 November 2024

Roadworks Update A37/Bristol Road/Maggs Lane

We have been advised by Wales and West Utilities that Maggs Lane is now open, the footpath is being reinstated and will be completed today.

Bristol Road/A37 is being finished today and the lights will be removed this afternoon.

Further information

Bath and North East Somerset were given a detailed break down of the works carried out this week beginning 15 July, which has included more challenges. The Wednesday night closure was successful however did discover yet another leak but all went ahead ok and enabled the 06.00 reopening.

Wales and West Utilities have had different gangs working around the clock which BNES are pleased about but they think it has been a bit more of a severe leak than first hoped for.

Please see the latest comment from Wales and West Utilities with regard to the remaining works:- We are in a position to close Maggs Lane over the weekend and finish the remaining works I anticipate all final Engineering works and Final Reinstatement to be completed by Tuesday 23/7/24 and Maggs Lane work to completed by Sunday 21/7/24.

Summary -A37/Bristol Road lights removed 22 July and Maggs Lane open

Whitchurch Village Commemorates D-Day 80 years 6 June 2023

Martin Squires’ military vehicle
A very large cake to share
Deputy lieutenant David Medlock and Alan Chambers CBE lit the beacon
British Legion standard bearers
Crowd awaiting the commemoration

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who made the D-Day 80th commemorations such a successful event. About 200 people attended across the afternoon family picnic and evening beacon lighting . At 9.15pm the Deputy Lieutenant David Medlock together with village resident Former Marine Alan Chambers CBE lit beacon and 107th Bristol (Whitchurch) Scout members Hollie and Lewis read the proclamation .
We raised a toast to His Majesty as we joined others around the country

107th Bristol (Whitchurch) Scout , their families and families from the village joined the Family picnic enjoying games , a bouncy castle , face paints and refreshments.

It was a joint village effort with various groups and people joining together to commemorate the occasion

Whitchurch Cricket club opened the bar and provided use of their facilities, a thriving club with a youth section for 5-17 age olds, training every Friday evening. Whitchurch Cricket Club Youth Section .

Barbarians Rugby Club provided use of their ground for parking.

Whitchurch and Pensford Royal British Legion provided standard bearers and a piper, who heralded the beacon lighting.

Martin Squire brought his military vehicle along

Whitchurch History society talked to people about the village.

Finally the councillors and volunteers worked hard setting up the event and marshalling the evening to make it a tremendous success.