Whitchurch Village Council

Whitchurch Village Playpark

Children will be welcomed back to Whitchurch Village Playpark from Saturday 4th July and parents are being advised about the COVID-19 measures to help prevent the spread of the virus. 

Following the Government announcement that playgrounds are permitted to open, children will be welcomed back but the onus is on parents and carers to ensure rules are followed around social distancing, hand hygiene and not eating or drinking near play equipment. 

Visitors to the park should practise social distancing at all times and bring their own sanitiser to clean their hands frequently, as well as wash their hands regularly where facilities are available. People are advised to bring their own wipes to clean equipment after their child has used it if possible. 

Eating and drinking within the play areas should be avoided and anyone who develops symptoms of COVID -19 should return home immediately. 

The council previously closed the play park at the end of March in line with Government guidance. 

Click to enlarge leaflet below