Action Plan 2023-2024


The village of Whitchurch is a small community located in Bath and North East Somerset, south east of Bristol and west of Bath, with just over 750 properties and approximately 1400 electors. There are eleven members of Whitchurch Village Council who are subject to an election every four years, the last one being held in 2023.

The Village Council has an annual working budget of £72,721 for 2024/2025. Within this budget, £43,680 will be raised by the precept and the majority of the remaining income is received from cemetery fees.

The activities of the Village Council include responsibility and day to day running of Whitchurch Village Play Park, Community Allotments and Whitchurch Cemetery, which are all owned by the Village Council.

The Village Council employs contractors for ground upkeep of the Play Park , the Cemetery and other green spaces around the village This includes grass cutting, litter picking, hedge trimming and other general maintenance.

The Village Council is currently looking at plans to enhance the local facilities around the village using CIL funds and welcome suggestions from local residents. Ideas will be considered on a regular basis.

The Village Council constantly strives to make Whitchurch Village a better place to live and work.

We are always keen to receive ideas and suggestions from villagers on particular areas of interest or concern and where it is felt the council may assist.

Listed below is our current schedule of activity; this will be regularly reviewed and updated as projects finish and priorities change.

The Council will:- 

  1. Maintain strict controls over expenditure to ensure that villagers get value for their Council Tax payments.
  2. Encourage members of the public to attend Council meetings and bring issues of concern to the attention of Councillors.
  3. Monitor and respond to all planning applications received from Bath and North East Somerset Council.
  4. Continue to liaise with and put pressure on Bath and North East Somerset Council with regard to road safety issues highlighted by residents and members of the Village Council.
  5. Continue to give small grants to local groups which provide assistance to local residents.
  6. Continue to support the local school and playgroup.
  7. Encourage Councillors to attend recognised training opportunities and support the Clerk in the provision of a professional service.
  8. Establish links with the police to ensure that there is a continued low level of crime in the Village
  9. Support the Neighbourhood Plan.
  10. Continue to ensure that regular reports of the Council’s activities are published on the web site/social media and in the Whitchurch Village News and Chew Valley Gazette.
  11. Work with the local District Councillor on matters which affect the Village.
  12. Keep village message boards up to date.
  13. Support the Little Free Library in the village
  14. Enhance the village with floral displays, planted by councillors and other volunteers.
  15. Maintain the millennium garden
  16. Day to day running of Whitchurch Cemetery
  17. Day to day running of Whitchurch Play Park and Community Allotments.
  18. Provide Christmas light displays for the Village and a free village switch on event.
  19. Organise Village Clean up events twice yearly.
  20. Organise free Village events such as Have a Field Day and national celebrations.

Specific Actions for 2023-2024 – ongoing and will be updated frequently

  1. Work towards completing an application for Local Award Scheme Foundation Level
  2. Liaise with BANES to implement safety measure at the pedestrian crossing in Staunton Lane using CIL funds.
  3. Engage with BANES Liveable Neighbourhood project to secure a safe cross to the Play Park and Allotments across the A37 and to reduce the speed of traffic along Staunton/Stockwood Lane.
  4. Maintain the existing floral displays, wild flower area and seating to further enhance the village.

Agreed at Whitchurch Village Council Meeting on 2 March 2022

Reviewed 1 May 2024

Next Review May 2025