Whitchurch in Lights 2022

A big thank you to all who have decorated their homes and business premises, making the village look so festive again this year.

Enormous thanks to the residents of the Witheys who have collectively put on a fantastic display of lights again this year and to the residents of Manor Farm Barns who also have an excellent display.

There were so many wonderful displays to choose from the judges have picked three joint winners this year together with one business:-

Best Business- Black Lion, Toby Carvery

Best Homes- Orchard Park, Maesknoll Drive, St Nicholas Drive

Picture shows the business winner, Toby Carvery Black Lion Whitchurch
Best homes winner
Best home winner
Best home winner

Christmas and New Year rubbish and recycling collection

Click here to download full details of waste collections over the Christmas and New Year period.

Recycling and rubbish collection dates in Bath and North East Somerset will be changed over the Christmas and New Year period.
This will affect collections which would normally be scheduled from
December 26 to January 6.From today (December 5), residents will start to receive leaflets in the post from Bath & North East Somerset Council advising them of the revised collection dates.
A calendar is also available to download from the council website at www.bathnes.gov.uk/collectionday
Garden waste collections will pause between December 5 and January 15. Garden waste can instead be brought to the council’s recycling centres during opening hours. Real Christmas trees can be recycled at the council’s recycling centres or put out for collection from January 16. Collections must be booked in advance here and trees that have not been booked for collection will not be collected. With more rubbish thrown away over the festive period than at any other time of year, residents are being urged to recycle as much waste as possible and to avoid creating waste in the first place by using sustainable alternatives. The council’s Recycle For Bathnes Facebook page will feature a 12-day ‘Countdown to Christmas’ with ways to help people reduce their waste. Councillor Kevin Guy, council Leader, said: “Christmas and New Year is a busy time for us all, but please bear in mind that waste and recycling collection dates are changing and help your neighbours to remember too.
The easiest way to check your collection days is on our website and we’ve also sent all householders a leaflet to help with this.“Christmas is the busiest time of year for our crews as they deal with 20% more recycling collected in January compared with November and December. Please be patient as they do their best to cope with increased demand. It really helps if you could take a few minutes to wash, squash and sort the materials for recycling correctly so the crews can keep moving across the district. Don’t forget to keep an eye on our social media pages for tips and tricks that will help you reduce waste and maximise recycling.” The council’s recycling centres will be closed on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day.
When recycling Christmas trees either at recycling centres or by pre-booked collections, all decorations must be removed and the tree should be cut in half, to less than 1.2m tall.
To find out what you can recycle each week,
visit www.bathnes.gov.uk/recyclemore
The Love Food Hate Waste website www.lovefoodhatewaste.com has plenty of seasonal tips to help reduce food waste and save money this Christmas.
For general service information www.bathnes.gov.uk/wasteservices
Order recycling containers www.bathnes.gov.uk/orderacontainer
For help with waste enquiries contact Council Connect: 
Twitter @ccbathnesDisruptions to waste collections are updated on this page: https://beta.bathnes.gov.uk/waste-disruptions

Christmas is coming….

The annual Village Christmas light switch on will be on Friday 2nd December at 7pm, all welcome.

We will also be running the Christmas Lights competition again this year and judging will be on Wednesday 14th December.

Please click here for more details of both events.


Poo bag dispenser by Sleep Lane

The Village Council have placed new poo bag dispensers at various locations around the Village. Please BAG IT and BIN IT

How to reduce the impact of fireworks on vulnerable people and animals this Bonfire Night

People looking forward to celebrating Bonfire Night this year are being asked to consider reducing the impact of fireworks to avoid scaring animals and vulnerable residents.
Bath & NorthEast Somerset Council is highlighting the RSPCA’s concerns about the effect of fireworks on animals and is raising awareness of its campaign #BangOutOfOrder, which aims to minimise the effects of fireworks on animal welfare.
Unpredictable, loud noises can cause fear and distress to animals and debris from fireworks can also pose a hazard to horses and livestock when left on the ground.
Fireworks can also affect older people, children with autism and people with conditions such as PTSD.
Bath & NorthEast Somerset Council passed a motion in 2021 that recommends that all public firework displays within the area are advertised in advance so that people can take precautions for themselves and their animals. As a result of the motion, the council is raising awareness of the impact of fireworks on animals and people and is asking residents to choose less noisy fireworks when buying ahead of Bonfire Night. The council also resolved to write to the Local Government Association to lobby for a limit to the maximum noise level of fireworks to 90dB for those sold to the public for private displays.
Bath & NorthEast Somerset Council’s trading standards team is also advising retailers of the risks by sharing information when they inspect premises that sell fireworks. Councillor Tim Ball, cabinet member for Planning and Licensing, said: “We are not trying to spoil anyone’s fun, but the fear and distress that fireworks can cause for people and animals is a significant concern.
The RSPCA believes there is a real need to raise awareness among owners of animals about phobia of fireworks and as a council we wholeheartedly support this.

Bath & NorthEast Somerset Council are also pressing the Government to better regulate fireworks by limiting the noise level for those used in public displays to 90dB. “It’s also not to be underestimated how much anxiety fireworks can cause for vulnerable people in our community who are sensitive to loud and unexpected sounds. If you are buying fireworks, please consider the type that are designed to be less noisy.”

You can read more about the council’s advice on fireworks here

More information on pets and fireworks can be found on the RSPCA website here.

Grant Awards 2022

Whitchurch Village Council were delighted to present their annual grant awards at the recent council meeting.

Grants were given to Whitchurch Cricket Club Youth Section, St Nicholas Pre-School and 107th Bristol (Whitchurch) Scout Group.

The Chairman thanked the representatives for attending and all their hard work in running the valuable groups in the Village.

Click here for full details of the awards given

Upcoming roadworks

We have been made aware of some upcoming works at the the junction of The Witheys and A37 Bristol Road between 22/10/2022 – 23/10/2022.

These works are being carried out by Wales and West Utilities to install a new gas service.

Due to the location of these works and the requirement of temporary traffic signals for safety reasons the works have been scheduled in for weekend working only.

Wales and West Utilities will use multi way temporary traffic signals with a synchronised temporary pedestrian crossing as the permanent crossing will need to be switched off due to its close proximity to the works. We understand that these works are very likely to cause delays however have concluded this type of traffic management option will be the most practical and least disruptive option.

Wales and West Utilities have been instructed to manually control the temporary traffic signals from 07:00 – 21:00 hours both days with priority given to A37 unless vehicles are waiting to exit The Witheys.  They have also confirmed that the works will be complete and site cleared as soon as possible and are aware that they must be completed by the end of Sunday 23/10/2022.

They have also confirmed that they will be placing out advanced information boards and letter dropping residents and shop frontages.