Friday 6th December 2019 saw the Village Lights Switch On, and despite the earlier rain, a fantastic crowd of about 200 gathered around the centre of the Village.
The evening started with Father Christmas arriving from Staunton Fields having completed a village tour. As his sleigh had some technical problems, an army vehicle decked out with brilliant flashing lights was used, with Santa waving enthusiastically from the back of the vehicle.
Then after several practice countdowns, Santa switched on the lights in the Millennium Garden. One of the two large Christmas trees was kindly donated by Whitchurch Village Fete Committee, to whom we are very grateful.
After Santa had crossed the A37, he then led a procession of children, parents and onlookers towards St Nicholas Church, where the children of Whitchurch Primary School sang some lovely ‘Christmassy’ songs from a stage that had been set up in the Church grounds. The children were brilliant as always.
The crowd then sang along to several carols before going into the Church Hall for mulled wine and mince pies. Father Christmas was also very busy handing out sweets to all the children.
Our thanks go to all of you who attended this lovely festive event. The support of the public, our villagers, and the wonderful choir and staff from Whitchurch Primary School is really appreciated.
Our appreciation and acknowledgement of the support we received also goes to:
Tesco Brislington (donation of mince pies and chocolates)
Whitchurch Village Fete Committee (donated one of the trees in Millennium Garden)
Lee Gillam who helped our volunteers to decorate the Christmas trees.
The volunteers who helped with refreshments in the Hall.
St Nicholas Church, for the use of their hall.
The traffic marshals who helped set up the event and ensured safe passage to people crossing the A37.
Matt on the microphone and John, who arranged and set up the sound equipment
And of course, Father Christmas and his driver, who made a special effort to visit us at a very busy time of the year!!
Thanks to your donations, we collected £220.00 for Bristol MIND charity.
If you have any ideas on how we can improve the event do please let us know.
Everyone at Village Council would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!