that following the resignation of Cllr Sharon Bryant, a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for Whitchurch Village Council.
If, within 14 days* after the date of this notice (i.e. no later than Wednesday, 12th June 2024), a request for an election to fill the said vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer, Bath & North East Somerset Council, Guildhall, High Street, Bath, BA1 5AW, by TEN electors for Whitchurch Village Council, an election will be held to fill the said vacancy, otherwise the vacancy will be filled by co-option.
The request must be signed by ten persons who, at the time of the request, are listed on the electoral register as local government electors for Whitchurch Village Council. The ten signatures should be accompanied by printed names, addresses and, if known, electoral numbers.
Sue Dyer Parish Clerk
Dated: Wednesday, 22nd May 2024
* In computing any period of time for this purpose a Saturday, Sunday, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday, bank holiday or day appointed for public thanksgiving or mourning shall be disregarded.
We have received notice that Bath and North East Somerset Council in exercise of its powers under section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 intends to make an order the effect of which will be to temporarily introduce: • A road closure in that length of Maggs Lane, Whitchurch from its junction with the A37 Bristol Road extending west to its junction with St Nicholas Road. USRN: 47904495. • A temporary suspension of the one-way restriction allowing traffic to travel in both directions, from the Bristol end of Maggs Lane, Whitchurch at its junction with Washing Pound Lane. Two Operatives with a radio contact system will be in situ during the works and will use stop and go boards to assist traffic. The site will be returned to normal access when not working. This order is required because works are being or are proposed to be executed on or near the road to enable Wales & West Utilities to repair missed interim patches in the carriageway on the 23rd May 2024 for a maximum period of 2 days. The road will only be restricted as and when traffic signs are in position and may not be effected for the whole of the period but only for so long as is necessary to execute the works. This is anticipated to be for ONE DAY. ALTERNATIVE ROUTE A37 – Ridgeway Lane – Washing Pound Lane – Maggs Lane – Vice versa. Access will be maintained for residents.
A huge thank you to the 107th Bristol (Whitchurch) Scout Group , who joined Village Councillors and other volunteers on a sunny Saturday morning to collect about 12 bags of rubbish from pavement, footpaths and open spaces around Whitchurch Village.
Whitchurch Village Council would like to thank all those who took part in this event to help make the village look clean and tidy
On Friday 26th April in the United Reform church at 7.30pm there will be a talk on metal detecting in the local area. All the artifacts and finds will be displayed.
Notice is given that Bath and North East Somerset Council in exercise of its powers under section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 intends to make an order to the effect of which will be to temporarily introduce a road closure in that length of Washing Pound Lane, Whitchurch from its junction with Church Road extending north to a point outside the property known as The Fleet. USRN: 47904494. This order is required because works are being or are proposed to be executed on or near the road to enable Wales & West Utilities to carry out gas upgrade works on the 25th March 2024 for a maximum period of 4 months. The road will only be restricted as and when traffic signs are in position and may not be effected for the whole of the period but only for so long as is necessary to execute the works. This is anticipated to be for EIGHT WEEKS. ALTERNATIVE ROUTE: Washing Pound Lane (remainder) – Whitchurch Lane – Half Acre Lane – Church Lane – Church Road – Vice Versa. Link to
We have just been advised that bridge repairs have started on the A37 just passed the bend on the way to Pensford, traffic lights in place. This will cause delays and is likely to go on until Friday.
We have been advised by Bath and North East Somerset Council of the following :
Options for how we address our future development needs, such as where to deliver new homes and jobs across Bath and North East Somerset and what policies we need for addressing the climate and ecological emergencies are being consulted on from today 12 February 2024.
Residents and businesses can have their say during the eight-week consultation on the Local Plan Options Document, which is the next stage in the development of a new Local Plan for the district.
The Local Plan is an important statutory document used for decision making on development and the use of land, and when adopted will form the basis for determining planning applications until 2042.
The options, which were approved by Bath & North East Somerset Council’s cabinet, support the council’s Corporate Strategy and Economic Strategy for a fairer, more prosperous and sustainable economy.
Another key objective for the Local Plan is to maximise the delivery of housing that is more affordable and the document says an estimated 14,500 new homes are needed up to 2042. Of those, more than 6,000 will be built on sites, mainly brownfield sites in Bath, that are already committed for development via planning permission or allocated in the current Local Plan.
Residents and stakeholders will be able to comment on the options proposed by responding to an interactive version of the Local Plan online, as well as taking part in a series of in-person events.
Videos will be added to the council website giving step-by-step guidance on ‘How to Comment on the Local Plan’ and explain ‘What is a Local Plan’ as well as outlining how the various options will help to deliver the council’s priorities on housing, the climate emergency and sustainable transport.
A second set of videos will discuss locations identified in the Options Document that could be developed to create additional housing or jobs, together with the necessary supporting infrastructure: Keynsham and Saltford, Hicks Gate, Whitchurch, Bath and the Somer Valley.
A series of drop-in sessions where people can discuss the options with council officers have been arranged at the following locations:
Keynsham Community Space, 22 February
Trinity Church, Radstock, 26 February
Saltford Hall, 29 February
The Hive, Peasedown St John, 1 March
Bath Cricket Club, 4 March
Whitchurch United Reform Church, 6 March
Farrington Gurney Village Hall, 13 March.
All the drop-in events run from 3pm to 7pm.
Printed copies of the Options Document are available at Bath Central Library; Keynsham Library; Midsomer Norton Library; Bath Housing, Welfare and Advice Services, the mobile library and all community libraries. Easy Read copies can be requested by emailing and there is an Easy Read version of the document online.
Councillor Matt McCabe, cabinet member for Built Environment and Sustainable Development, said: “The Local Plan ensures that high quality development can be delivered in a planned and co-ordinated way alongside the necessary infrastructure while helping the council to meet its priorities: providing affordable housing and addressing the climate and ecological emergency. We are encouraging as many people as possible to take part by submitting their comments on line or by attending one of our engagement events that we are running across the district. People can also submit comments by post. We are keen to hear peoples’ opinions.”
The consultation opened on 12 February and runs for eight weeks until 8 April. You can respond on the BNES council website.
When the consultation closes, the issues raised in all comments and feedback will be considered and a Draft Local Plan will be produced which will be subject to consultation. It will then be submitted to the Secretary of State and examined by an independent planning inspector in 2025. If approved by the inspector, it will be adopted by the council.