Whitchurch Village Neighbourhood Plan

The Neighbourhood Plan will play a very important part in the way
Whitchurch Village will be shaped over the next few years.

The last open evening was a great success, and provided a good
platform to start off the process. We aim to have a further meeting in
April, currently scheduled for 21st April.

We really do need YOUR help to progress the Plan, and are seeking
volunteers urgently. We are looking for anyone who would be able to
contribute a little bit of time & enthusiasm to help a small team of
local people who are looking to bring the Plan together.

For more information, please visit the Whitchurch Village
Neighbourhood Plan website :- http://www.wvnp.org.uk/home

Contacts :- Paul May on 07919047001

Or through the website http://www.wvnp.org.uk/contact-us
fete field

The CATT bus may be able to help you.

This is a door to door service to those who are unable to access mainstream transport.

For residents in receipt of a concessionary fare card, there is no charge for travel. Residents who are not in receipt of a travel card will be charged £3.00.

Residents need to phone, 0117 377 3450 to book a seat and will be advised of a pick up time.
Alternatively residents can email
South Bristol Community Hospital

See leaflet for more details. Open Leaflet