Whitchurch in Lights

A big thank you to all residents and businesses, who have decorated their homes/premises, making the village look so festive this year.

There were so many fantastic displays to choose from, but after careful consideration this year’s winners are:-

Best House – Joint winners

Gary & Kate Sidders, 151 Bristol Road & Dean Edwards, 149 Bristol Road

Best Business – HairbyKnight, Bristol Road

Results of Poll

Referendum on the adoption of Whitchurch Village Neighbourhood Plan

Just a quick note to update you on the Referendum held last Thurs 16th November.
Thank you to all those who voted, please see the Declaration of Result below, with a resounding Yes vote.
The next step is the Joint Spatial Plan, please come along to a meeting being held on Thursday 23rd November from 7-9pm in the Whitchurch and Pensford Royal British Legion, to find out how the proposals could affect Whitchurch Village.

Click here or image below to see larger


Notice of Poll

Whitchurch Village

Referendum on the adoption of Whitchurch Village Neighbourhood Plan

A refendum will be held on Thursday 16 November 2017 between 7am and 10pm to decide on the question below:

“Do you want Bath & North East Somerset Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Whitchurch Village to help decide planning applications in the
neighbourhood area?’


The situation of polling stations and the description of persons entitled to vote thereat are as follows:

Situation of Polling Station Station No. Elector Ranges
N-PW2 Whitchurch Village Community Hall, Bristol Road, Whitchurch BS14 0PT 1 1 to 190


Maria Lucas
Counting Officer

Date: 8 November 2017

Youth Bus – Whitchurch

We Offer a range of information, support and activities such as

  • Information services and career advice, including CV’s
  • Sexual health and Relationships
  • Drugs and Alcohol
  • Trips such as theme parks or adventurous activities
  • Internet Safety and cyber bullying
  • Creating arts and cooking
  • Self-esteem & Emotional Resilience
  • Sports Activities

Contact:Rob on 07875 488786 or rob_rumming-pain@bathnes.gov.uk

It’s Free, Confidential and Friendly


Notice of Referendum

Whitchurch Village Neighbourhood Plan

Referendum on the adoption of
Whitchurch Village Neighbourhood Plan


1. A referendum will be held on Thursday 16 November 2017 to decide on the question below:

‘Do you want Bath & North East Somerset Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Whitchurch Village to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?’

2. New applications to be included on the register of electors for this referendum must reach the Electoral Registration Officer (address below) no later than Tuesday 31 October 2017. Applications can be made online via www.gov.uk/register-to-vote.

3. New applications to vote by post, or to amend existing postal or proxy arrangements (e.g. cancellations or re-directions) must reach the Electoral Registration Officer (address below) no later than 5pm on Wednesday 1 November 2017.

4. New applications to vote by proxy must reach the Electoral Registration Officer (address below) no later than 5pm on Wednesday 8 November 2017.

5. Applications to vote by proxy on grounds of occupation, service, employment or a medical condition, illness or disability arising after 5pm on Wednesday 8 November must reach the Electoral Registration Officer (address below) by 5pm on Thursday 16 November 2017.

Dated: Thursday 12 October

Maria Lucas
Counting Officer

Electoral Registration Officer
Bath & North East Somerset Council
Guildhall, High Street, Bath, BA1 5AW

Whitchurch Village Neighbourhood Plan Information Statement

A referendum relating to the adoption of Whitchurch Village Neighbourhood Plan will be held on Thursday 16 November 2016.

The question which will be asked in the referendum is:

‘Do you want Bath & North East Somerset Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Whitchurch Village to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?’

The referendum area is identical to the area which has been designated as the Whitchurch Village Neighbourhood Plan Area, and is identified on the map included with this information statement.

A person is entitled to vote in the referendum if:

  • he or she is entitled to vote in a local government election in the referendum area; and
  • his or her qualifying address for the election is in the referendum area. A person’s qualifying address is, in relation to a person registered in the register of electors, the address in respect of which he or she is entitled to be so registered.

The referendum expenses limit is £2,427.37. The number of persons entitled to vote in the referendum by reference to which that limit has been calculated is 1,108.

The referendum will be conducted in accordance with procedures which are similar to those used at local government elections.

Copies of the documents listed below and overleaf are available for public inspection during normal office opening hours at:

One Stop Shop, Manvers Street, Bath, BA1 1JG
Bath Central Library, 19-23 The Podium, Northgate Street, Bath BA1 5AN
Whitchurch Parish Council, Community Centre Office, Bristol Road, Whitchurch, Bristol, BS14 0PT
Sleep Lane Dental Practice, Sleep Lane, Whitchurch, Bristol, BS14 0QN
The documents can also be viewed on Bath & North East Somerset Council’s website at:


List of documents available for public inspection

  • The draft Neighbourhood Plan
  • The report of the independent examiner into the draft Neighbourhood Plan
  • A summary of the representations submitted to the independent examiner;
  • The statement of the local planning authority (Bath & North East Somerset Council) that the draft Neighbourhood Plan meets the basic conditions specified by statute and complies with the relevant legislation;
  • A statement that sets out general information as to town and country planning (including neighbourhood planning) and the referendum;
  • A map of the Whitchurch Village Neighbourhood Plan area.

Maria Lucas
Counting Officer
Electoral Services
Bath & North East Somerset Council
Guildhall, High Street, Bath BA1 5AW

Map of Whitchurch Village Neighbourhood Plan Area



Your rubbish collection is changing from 6 November

Look out for your new wheeled bin or re-usable rubbish bag delivered to your home between 25 September and early November.

Preparations are moving forward for the new service.

What is changing and why?

From 6 November we will be collecting rubbish every other week in wheeled bins or re-usable bags for the majority of residents. Recycling, including food waste will continue to be collected weekly. The chargeable garden waste collections will remain every other week.  The changes will help to keep the streets cleaner, increase recycling and make the services more affordable.

Find out your container allocation

In March we sent a letter out with the Council Tax bill to let you know what container you had been allocated. To check your allocation, enter your address at www.bathnes.gov.uk/recycle  or contact Council Connect.

If you have a query with your allocation please contact Council Connect.  Where households have 2 or more children in nappies, 6 or more people in their household or a clear medical need they may be able to apply for a larger bin.

If you need to change your allocation, please contact Council Connect on 01225 394000. They will talk through your needs, and then if appropriate pass on your request for change of container. We will contact you to let you know the outcome of your request.  In the meantime, your original allocated container will be delivered to you before the start of the new collection as it will be too late to prevent this happening. If we have agreed to issue an alternative container, we will arrange to replace your original with your changed container.

What happens next?

  • Week beginning 28 August – Royal Mail will deliver a leaflet to you giving you more information about the new service
  • From 25 September to early November– we will deliver the wheeled bins/re-usable rubbish bags to 78,000 households. The bins will be delivered to the front edge of your property or your re-usable rubbish bag will be delivered to your door.



  • do not put out your new bin/bag for collection until 6 November
  • continue to put out your rubbish as you normally do until the new collection starts
  • put out your rubbish for collection in your new bin/bag on your correct collection day from 6 November

Your bin/bag will be delivered with a welcome pack which will include further information about the new collection service including:

  • How to use your new bin/bag collection
  • Right day, right week collection calendar for 2017-18 – please check carefully as your collection day may have changed, so it’s even more important to make sure your recycling and rubbish is out by 7am. You can sign up now for text message reminders of when your new collection is due. Text your postcode to 07520 631700
  • Details of Christmas and New Year changes
  • How to make the most of your recycling collections
  • 2 stickers to put on your recycling boxes to help you separate your recycling

Getting ready for the new service

If you prefer, from 7 August you can collect recycling containers at one of the three Recycling Centres, rather than wait for one to be delivered.

  • Check our website for the latest updates. Check to see if your query is answered in over 30 FAQs we have on our website www.bathnes.gov.uk/recycle
  • Visit one of our roadshows to see the new containers and find out more. Go to www.bathnes.gov.uk/roadshows for details and check on our website to find out where our display wheeled bins are.
  • We are promoting re-usable nappies to help reduce waste. We are selling packs of Bambino Mio re-usable nappies for £150 (£100 less than the retail price).
  • Resident’s packs – we are developing website materials you can download for free to help share messages with neighbours to advise them how to set out their waste etc. The website will explain this further and include a leaflet and tick-card to post to neighbours explaining how to use the service properly.
  • Like our Facebook page www.facebook.com/recycleforbathnes to receive updates and tips.


Have a Field Day 2017!

Village Play Park on Saturday 8th July as part of a nationwide celebration of local green spaces.
It was a beautiful sunny day and it was fantastic to see so many people enjoying themselves.

The races, organised by Matt, from Whitchurch Village Council, were a real favourite and lots of fun was had by the participant’s,
young and old. Alice a volunteer came along to carry out face painting, which was also very popular.
This year donations were requested for St Peters Hospice, a total of £194.56 was raised on the day.

This is an annual event organised by Whitchurch Village Council, so look out for details on the website early in 2018.

field day

field day

field day

Fields In Trust Website:

The Draft Neighbourhood Plan

Following the first round of consultation, the Draft Neighbourhood Plan has now been verified as complete by B&NES Council and is available to download.

B&NES Council will now start a six week formal consultation from the 19th of May 2017 until the 30th of June 2017.

Any additional comments will be passed to an appointed planning inspector who will then decide whether to carry out a public examination.

The Plan and supporting documents are available to download from the following links:-

Neighbourhood Plan Proposals: Whitchurch

The Draft Neighbourhood Plan